That’s me: Gwendolyn
By trade I’m a graphic designer. By nature; I’m a daughter, sister, niece, aunt, friend — most importantly a wife and mother. Making my own family has taught me many things. Writing this blog has given me an avenue to understand those ‘things’. The purpose started off as a way to share our daily lives with far away family and friends. Now, it’s more of a diary (lucky you). I immensely enjoy writing this blog and hope that you like it enough to continue reading.

That’s him: Gil
He’s my rock. I started this blog for us both to write about our family, but really is my pet project. Parenting together has been a journey we couldn’t have anticipated properly. They say marriage is hard and I didn’t think that was the case until we had children. Everything came so easy for us. Now we are full fledged grown ups showing these little beings how to be good humans. Gil found a quote once saying, “Be a Genius. Make Good Decisions. Be Responsible.” I have no idea who it belongs to, but it’s fitting for him and something that I like to believe is a good motto for our family.
Domingo: we got this cutie on a Sunday

Little Love: L.L.

Corazoncito: Cecito

For me, this is the life.
I’m happy to blog about everything we have coming and going AND hope that you all enjoy reading it. Let me know if you do!
Congrats beautiful people! Yay!!!
Congratulations Gwen and Gil! You look absolutely beautiful and I love your pictures:). Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful blog. Ricky and I can”t wait to meet your little one. Take care and hope to see you guys soon!
Thanks Kristine! We are full of excitement over here. Hope to see you soon. xo
You need to add Cecito to your home page! Xo
I know, I’ve started to do it so many times with updated pics. Then something comes up and I abort! Ahhhh! 😉