My First Mother's Day
Ok, ok, I’m a week late. What can I say? It’s hard to keep up these days. Really, I have no idea how people do it…exercise, work, take care of baby, clean house, shower, do anything personal…I’d love to know the secret! I digress, onto Mother’s Day! It was a pretty low key day, which
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40+ Weeks!
Alrighty, we are officially as far as I ever wanted to go. I know that means about nothing in terms of having a little one, but WOW, the difference a few weeks makes on your body with the aches and pains! Today, is my appointment at the doctor to see how everything is going. Last
39 Weeks!
Yes, the title of this one is thirty-nine weeks! It’s officially the end of the road. My doctor has my due date as April 2nd in her files so that would mean I am a few days away from full term. I have been going with the April 5th since my first ultrasound. I know,
Sick in My Third Trimester
I have been putting off writing this post to see when I was going to get over being sick. Unfortunately, I have learned that getting back to 100% is most likely not going to happen. I have heard many pregnant ladies say that they were sick for 2 whole months! Luckily that wasn’t me, nor
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38 Weeks!
Here we are, another week behind us. I must say that after my doctor appointment last week I was pretty darn excited to share the news and get the show on the road. Now, I am past the shocked, scarred and excited feelings and ready to produce a little bundle of love and fun. This
The New Baby Office
We have several needs that our second bedroom needs to accommodate; an office and place for baby to sleep. I know that there will come a time when she needs her own space, but for now we are maximizing our square footage. Hey, it’s California living and what ya gotta do, yo! At first we
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37 Weeks!
Well folks, looks like we are coming up on the end of this journey! We are very excited, even though we are still trying to get over whatever has been ailing us. (I’m working on a post about that one.) We are now at 37 weeks — are you excited, yet? We are! Today was
The Day Of Love
Happy Valentine’s Day! Yesterday, I was surprised by a beautiful bouquet of tulips from my thoughtful husband. I was overjoyed! Today, I still want to take pictures and stare at them. Obviously, I like Valentine’s Day. I don’t get bogged down with the “Hallmark
32 Weeks!
Hello folks! We have now made it to 32 weeks and 4 days, are you as excited as we are!? I have to admit that I cannot believe the pregnancy is going by as fast as it is. When I woke up on Sunday I was a little taken aback at how the time has