About two months ago we had Cecito’s 2nd birthday party. (I know, I am so behind. It’s not even funny.)
Since our last Donut + Coffee Party was such a success and Gil’s niece was going to be with us we decided to make it easy on ourselves. I had a lot of fun since the planning was pretty much done. All the smaller things I wasn’t able to do, like make little signs, it was great!
We hosted at the kid’s school, easy. Invited all our buds, awesome…and enjoyed the day. Especially since Gabs was there (our niece), she was the celebrity that no one knew we needed at a 2 year old’s party!
Here are the pictures. Those tell the story better than I ever could.
Happy Birthday Buddy! Even the Minions love you.Rise and Shine – coffee station.Fruit salad. I decided to forego the skewers this time.Mini QuicheDonut Leave Empty Handed! Donut hole thank you take home bags.Big Sister with the Birthday Boy!Daddy with the Birthday Boy!Momma with the Birthday Boy!All of us! The whole family + a super special cousin.Special Guests! (#1, our old neighborhood friends)Having fun!Special Guests #2, this little is only one day younger than LL!Our school friend, Momma!Our Momma friend, with littles the same age as ours.Old friends.Baseball Birthday Donut!Blowing out the candle!He looks a little amazed at himself here.Ok, now we are a happy camper!Let’s see how he does with all this sugar!Notice the one behind me…Making her way to the “good stuff”.She made it! (who do you think finished off that donut?!)Gabs, the all-star!You can run, but you can’t hide! They know a possum when they see one.Let’s contemplate this turning two thing, huh kid?Now, pay attention. I’ll show you how it’s done.Happy Boy! (bruise and all)SPLASH!AHHHH – BUBBLES!Dinky’s special appearance. Sphinx cats are all the craze!The big chalkboard is always a stealth hit!I jus met you, but I think you will be my best friend.I swear I’m over five feet tall!What would I do without this Momma?Successful donut party!