I haven’t had a lot of time to get on my own computer recently. Which really means, I’ve been totally slackin’ in the blog department. So, I thought I would do a short and sweet AND FUN post.
First, I wanted to share some pics from October when Daddy decided to grow some facial hair. He was going camping in Mexico and thought that it would be fun to sport a mustache. These pics aren’t quite that fun, but still good for a smile.

And now for the real fun. Here is a video of L.L. with Domingo. They started off playing and then when I sat down Domingo went for my foot, which L.L. thought was hysterical. Enjoy!
Laughing from Gwendolyn Bailey on Vimeo.
Love! Especially when Daddy and L.L. are laughing together. We have the same play mat for Devlin!
I love how she almost falls down when she starts laughing!!
love those baby giggles!