Our road trip to South Lake, Tahoe…
We started off as early as we could get on the road. We let the kids sleep until they naturally woke up, ate breakfast and hit the road. Planned to keep our driving to 5 hours or less each day. Gil researched pit stops and fun tourist things to experience. I have to say, it was a feat I wouldn’t have been able to organize. We were very lucky that Daddy set up such a great 11 day adventure for us. He even had contingency plans if we were behind or ahead of schedule.
Driving through California is spectacular, the terrain is astoundingly diverse and beautiful. The next few pictures were taken along the way to Lone Pine. It’s close to the base of Mt. Whitney, where people who want to climb that beast stay before starting the trek.
Then you have our backseat view of the babe. We put up a blanket to protect him from the sun. It worked surprisingly well.
We took a little potty for our three year old. She did an amazing job letting us know when she needed to take a pee break. This gem is taken on the side of the road in the middle of the desert. Hot and dry with high winds.
Here we have Randsburg, CA. A haunted town that wasn’t open when we rolled through, but still cool to see.
Our first night on the road. Lone Pine sunset. Stopping for some fun before we head up the mountain to Lake Tahoe. Lampe Park enjoying the slide with Daddy. While LL climbs the wall, like a boss.
Of course, we had to get some swing time in for the two of them.
“But I don’t want to leave the park!” Toddler feet of someone who does not want to be looked at.
Next door to our motel was the Film Museum. A really cool place for the area. Lots of movies filmed right by there. Old Westerns, Star Trek, Star Wars and many, many, many more!
Django Unchained
Speaks for itself.
So beautiful. View from the Museum’s parking lot. The Alabama Hills are back there somewhere.
Headed home passing by, Sacramento, CA.
Sonoma! Girard Winery, a wonderful place with yummy wines.
California Wine Country
View from the Ferry going to San Francisco.
We spent a beautiful afternoon with my old roommate and our good friend, Wayne. He left us a few years ago, so we jump at the chance to hang out with this old buddy.
Lunch at Sinbad’s. Good thing we decided this would be a good idea. They are being closed down for new construction. (sad face)
LL had important things to tell her new friend.
We love Wayne!
I’m pretty sure LL really loved hanging out with Wayne.
The whole family, see Cecito passed out on my back?
Yep, she loved it.
So much that she passed out, right after he left.
Leaving Vallejo, California. Next stop, Los Osos!
Bi-Nana has chickens! (really her name is Liana, but that’s what LL calls her…for now)
She’s thinking…yeah, I think I like you.
Time to feed the chickens! She had a blast.
Oh AND I get eggs!
It was as good as a zoo.
I’m not really sure what Daddy was so concerned with, but it probably had something to do with chicken poop.
Dreaming of feeding the chickens, too.
Nite-nite time with Bi-Nana. Momma wasn’t allowed in the room, but I got this anyway. Notice the photobomber, his name is Clyde.
Morning Bi-Nana! I don’t want to leave. (me either, kid)
Almost home!
And one more gem, this video. We had lots of singing in the car time. It was fun.
There you have it! Our little vacation. A great time with even better memories.
Big thanks to Mike + company for visiting with us up in Lake Tahoe, The Hugo’s for showing us how fun Sonoma is, Wayne for meeting us in San Francisco, and Liana + Troy for letting us crash at your place. What outstanding friends we have. Life certainly is good.
It was so good to see you guys! Come up anytime! 🙂