When you’re one a lot of the fun is getting new toys. Or at least, that’s what the parents think. However, when there’s an older sibling involved it doesn’t always go exactly how you planned it.
Like every other one year old he had no idea how to open gifts, so his big sister and Momma had to help him with that. Then the toys were SO exciting that it took a little bit of time for said big sister to give up her turn so that the birthday boy could test them out, too. After a little coaxing it all worked out and everyone had a great time.
Unfortunately, Momma has been doing a terrible job with taking pictures these days. You would think that I didn’t know how to work a camera, at all! So, here are a few and they aren’t even focused well, but I had to share them. Recently, I’ve beeb quite disappointed in my pictures, but I’m promising myself that I will pay more attention. Future posts will have, at the very least, have the subjects in focus. Promise.

And just for giggles, here are two videos.