We had our first visit from Nana last month (that would be the hub’s momma). Boy, was it exciting stuff!
There was pool time, play time, beach time – AND meeting Auntie with a couple of cousins thrown in there, too! What’s not to love about a visit like that!? The cousins were adorable with L.L. and even Domingo got lots of love from everyone. It was sad to see them return home, but we look forward to our next visit with them.
Here are some pictures from our jam-packed weekend of fun!

Well I finally got caught up and I have to say, LL is making alot of progress. AND she is cute as a button!! I can’t believe how big she has gotten. Keep up the good work on the blog. I love seeing all the pics and hearing all the stories. Miss you! Give me kisses for me. xoxo
Her not me. Ha!
Heeeeeeelllllooooo! I have missed you. Good to hear you are all caught up. She is making tons of progress. I just weighed her on Wednesday and she is 11 lbs 11 oz – yippie! I will try to call you this next week, we need to catch up muchacha y muchacha! 😉