My Second Mother’s Day

I must apologize for being MIA recently (this is a reoccurring theme, isn’t it?). In my defense I have been celebrating my second wedding anniversary + making the hubs a gift for it, working on the baby book, working on family photo books, making tutu’s for cute little birthday girls, and whatever else with my so-called free time. (You get the picture.)

There isn’t a whole lot to tell about my Mother’s Day this year, but with good reason. The best thing happened: L.L. took a 3 hour nap in the afternoon, so the rest of us decided to follow suit! L.L. in her crib and Daddy in the bed, he fell asleep across the bed and I didn’t want to wake him since I didn’t think I would actually nap. BUT I did and even got to cuddle up with Domingo on the couch. I love naps with the pup! We all woke up so refreshed that we walked to get yogurt. As always, it was delicious.

Before that, we all went to the farmer’s market. I particularly enjoyed this ’cause usually I go solo, which is also a good time; but family time is better. Since we went later in the morning we parked remotely and rode the trolley the few blocks for fun! They were even giving away little flower plants to those who rode the trolley – Happy Mother’s Day to ME!

Hello Gorgeous Long Stem Roses Bouquet!
Hello Gorgeous Long Stem Roses Bouquet!
So pretty! He even included a wedding flower.
So pretty! He even included a wedding flower.
Riding the Trolley!
Riding the Trolley!
Loot - see the little flower plant in the blue and white bag?
Loot – see the little flower plant in the blue and white bag?
Attempting to get some Momma + Daughter pics
Attempting to get some Momma + Daughter pics
Don't think so!
Nope, I’m outta here!
Still not interested...
Still not interested…
Maybe this will work.
Maybe this will work.
Getting better.
Getting better.
So interesting!
So interesting!
This is as good as we could get her looking at the camera.
This is as good as we could get her looking at the camera.
Baby Girl!
Baby Girl!
What other way could you end the day?
What other way could you end the day?
Sliding on the floor in my pretty dress  – those floors don't clean themselves!
Sliding on the floor in my pretty dress – those floors don’t clean themselves!