L.L. IS SIX MONTHS OLD!!! Raise your hand if you can’t believe it. I know I am constantly saying that on this blog, so I thought I would make you say it, instead.
Six whole months have gone by and, of course, I am really late with this post. However, the pictures were only one week behind. And they are super cute, so I’m sure you all will forgive me.
What’s to tell? Well, the little miss is officially crawling! Last Friday she figured out that the arms move when the legs do and she was off. It’s so cute because it’s very typical for her to crawl and reach out to Domingo on her way over to see him. I have some video of her and will have to edit it to a nice little clip for this blog. Who knows when that will happen, but I will put it on ‘the list’. Don’t hold your breath, I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself with my timeliness.
Normally this is where I give you her stats from her 6 month appointment, BUT I can’t seem to find the papers I got from the doctor. (What I do know is that she is about 12 lbs.) So, I’ll find them and edit this post whenever they show up! Ahhh, the life of me as a Momma.
I found the clinical summary!
Weight: 12 lbs 7 oz (1%, we are back on the charts!)
Length: 24.5 inches (6%)
Head Circumference: 41.25 cm (23%, that’s right she’s got a big brain for her petite body)
Here are her pics. Enjoy!

She seriously needs to be banned! She could cause a car crash or worse she is so stinking cute! You’re killing me with these pictures and I can’t hold her and kiss her. Love the outfit and the do!!! Can you plan a trip to Maine soon!!!!
Oh how we wish we could visit Maine soon! One day we will get there. 🙂
She is so adorable! Love the pretty in pink and thoughtful poses!! Time flies when you’re with baby – kind of….
You know it! I can’t believe that it’s been 6.5 months now. Crazy time!
What a cutie!!!! I hope I have a chance to meet her soon!
Tammy, we need to get you over here. Do you have some free time on your calendar soon?
CUTIE PATOOTIE!! Happy 6th months L.L.!!