Another year has passed. I’m one year older, and even though I’m creeping towards the hill I don’t feel as old as 37 sounds (to me).
This year I started my birthday off with yoga, then scheduled a massage for later in the day and got coffee from my local favorite, Coffee &  Tea Collective. Later that evening I had plans with my ladies to celebrate at some new(ish) places in my neighborhood, North Park.
Well, my massage wasn’t as wonderful as I remembered…I had no idea that after a kid your body could reject a massage and feel like you were splitting in two at your lower back. I found out it’s typical for new moms and I’m thinking that I’m lucky I don’t feel bad all the time. Maybe the fix is more massages? Yes, that’s totally it, right Gil? The rest of the day was pretty awesome, especially the Facebook frenzy and a few surprise emails. I never remember how amazing it feels to have so many people reach out to wish you well and say they love you. One of the highlights was hearing from the guy who ran my college internship. He said, “you are taking life by the horns and making the most of it, as usual!” and that he’s proud of me. It warmed my heart and I was on cloud nine the rest of the day.
Later that night, some of my girlfriends met me at Seven Grand, a new whiskey bar I’ve been wanting to try since it opened. Actually Gil and I had stalked it for several months waiting for it to open after he read an article about it opening in our hood. It was pretty special since all of those girls made me feel outstanding. AND the bar reminded me of a place Gil and I found on our honeymoon. Another great memory made from a previous cherished memory. We ended the night with dinner at Wang’s, another place I’d been wanting to try for a while. I was even able to score some leftovers to share with the hubs!
Then I had to wait another 2 days to go to Big Bear, but it was worth it. Since 2007 I have planned a snowboarding trip for my birthday. Last year was a bi-year (is that even a word?) ’cause I was very pregnant. This year was year 7 and I couldn’t have been more excited to get back on the mountain! We had an amazing group of people with so-so conditions, but no one seemed to care. We hit the slopes during the day for many, many runs. Then made dinner, played games and enjoyed ourselves. The kids had fun and I have to say a huge thanks to my sweet husband, Gil, who watched L.L. both days so I could snowboard. He’s pretty much the bomb (boy am I showing my age) and no one can compare.
All in all I feel pretty special. Got to reconnect with friends we don’t see very often, meet some new ‘goodies’, and hang out with my family. I want to thank everyone for making me feel so special and making my birthday such a fun one. I appreciate you all taking the time, especially everyone who joined us on the mountain. My highlights were definitely getting on the mountain and finally making it to Seven Grand! Muah to you all – and see you, next year, on the mountain!

Great times and awesome pics – Happy Bday Gwendle!
Looks like you had an awesome b’day 🙂 great pictures!!! Happy Birthday again, Gwendle … I love that! Very creative, Richie! 😀
Happy birthday! I know someone who does post-pregnancy massage if you want to try it out.
We will have to chat about this when we meet up. It’s definitely something I should look into.
random, but i feel much cooler now because we have the same ikea message board in our house.
Ha, it’s NEW! I have been saying we needed something like it so we will see how well it works for us. We had to forego one of the concert posters, tho…
Looks like ya’ll were a bunch of big kids in the snow = Fun!! Sorry to have missed it.
Always the best time. It’s my favorite trip of the year (besides the obvious reason). 🙂
Much fun with some cool peeps.. Even though Ileft my ski bag on the shuttle bus going ziplining was fun. Next time ill make the slopes. Tx for the memories and Good Times!!!