This last month has felt like a doozy! Watching Cecito recover from his surgery plus, growing from a newborn to an infant. It’s all magically beautiful AND exhaustingly frustrating. Add in a toddler and you have a recipe for, “what the hell did we do to ourselves!?”
All in the same day I look at L.L. + Cecito and my heart aches, I love them so much. Then, they are both screaming for what feels like 4 hours and all I want to lock myself in a room, alone, just to hear myself think. This pretty much sums up my everyday. Even so, I’m a happy Momma AND it seems Cecito is becoming a happier baby! He no longer cries for hours on end. 1pm – 10pm are no longer the dreaded hours of the day. He has started to go to sleep for the night at a decent hour, anywhere from 7:30pm – 9pm. The night time feedings are sometimes cut down to one, with a three thrown in there every 5 days or so. On average, it’s twice and even on the two occurrences we consider him to have slept through the night I don’t feel rested, but I do see the light at the end of the tunnel. Which feels comforting and has given my patience a longer string to balance on. I’ve even prepared a few meals with fresh veggies in them!
Now, onto our Cecito and his milestones. He’s smiling ALL THE TIME! Which I love and wish I could take more advantage of. It’s such a boost to grab his attention and his entire face lights up. Plus, just yesterday he did a real giggle. It made my heart skip a beat. Not to mention the cooing, oh the cooing – I want to listen to it all day long!
He’s trying so hard to turn over, too. He can push himself from tummy to back, but that’s not really turning over, just a consequence to trying to get his feet under him. We are pretty sure he will be an early crawler, like his big sis! He’s not too fond of the play gyms or toys in his face either. But I can get him in the swing to nap and he’s full time sleeping, at night, in the pack-n-play.
Other than that, I keep trying to get him to like to be worn. It’s only going so-so, but that might be a good thing, because I’m not sure my back can take it. It hurst so much, already. We are also working on getting out of the house during the day. It’s tough because he’s really not an on-the-go napper. Hopefully we will work something out. Poor L.L. needs some playtime outside with other kiddos.
Now the stats:
Weight: 12 lbs. 12 oz. (breastfeeding support group weigh in)
Height: 25.5 inches (at home measurement)
He’s a string bean! Growing just fine. I’m still tracking his nursing, diapers and sleep because I can’t seem to recall anything these days. Hopefully that will subside and my marbles will start to connect soon! Then, I’m sure I’ll feel better about quitting the tracking. Until then, I’m going with what the pediatrician said, “he looks like a one ounce a day’er baby”!
Ok, now the fun stuff!

Here’s a link to L.L.’s 3 month post. Just in case you were wondering what she was up to at this point. Gosh, they look a lot alike. We get comments on it often. I usually say, we don’t make babies that look just like us. Ours look just like each other. Makes my heart glow.
So cute!! What a handsome boy! Both LL and him are too adorable.
Thanks Rachel!
Gorgeous babies you have! And the picture of the two of them cracks me up, it’s such reality, messy hair, silly smile, and spit up! Love it! Lots of love to all of you.
Mic – he’s the king of spit up! Too funny you caught that. I didn’t see it until after the picture was taken. I said to myself, whatever, it’s completely true to life. Exactly what you said. 😉 Miss you!
Omg they are both so adorable. Keep coming with the updates. Bet dad doesn’t like him at all huh. Lol
They do indeed look a lot alike! That last picture of them together is absolutely precious!