Has it really been six weeks? Am I really two weeks behind on my blog posts!? Ah, you already knew I’m always behind, didn’t you…
Well, Cecito sure has put us to work! He is not one bit shy about letting us know he’s unhappy. Still, we adore the little monster and so does L.L. She calls him “bebe” and “brudder.” Which also brought on the brother title for Domingo. It sure is cute to see how much she loves the both of them. Lots of kisses and hugs going around each day.
Here are the stats:
Weight: 8 lbs. 11 oz. (17%)
Length: 21 inches (23%)
Head Circumference: 15 cm (75%)
Next are the pictures! I tried to take some on the same blanket I used for L.L.’s one month pics, but he wasn’t having it. So, I took some extras. I was also short one apple, so I used a fortune cookie for size reference. Here is a link to L.L.’s one month post. Just in case you wanted a refresher and to see how much these to resemble one another. Enjoy!

Sweeeetness overload!