How in the world eleven months has passes since our little guy was born is beyond me. In some ways it feels like a lifetime ago and others I feel like it was yesterday. His beautiful dark brown, doe eyes with a hint-of-blue and dark long lashes that curl up to his eyebrows are, by far, the most talked about aspect of this little dude. People stop in their tracks, it’s awesome.
His arrival sure did shake up our household in ways that we never thought were possible. His smile lights up a room and his giggle is infectious. Even his sister thinks he’s a super cool little bro. They both look for one another when they wake up; he will try to talk to her from his crib if he wakes up before her and she will climb into his crib if she’s the early riser. He’s a full on walker and will follow anyone who is home around, all day. Which causes sibling rivalry but also more love and cuddles. LL will go in for kisses and hugs from Cecito and he, usually, smiles and laughs with joy. There is always the occasional, get off me shove, but who can blame him…I probably wouldn’t be down for that sweet hug when the outcome is falling down to hit my head either.
He still loves food. Down to try anything. The only thing that he rejects, every time is broccoli.
Pointing for what he wants or where he wants to go is a daily occurrence now. He claps, clicks his tongue, says lalalalala pointedly waiting for you to repeat him, and just the other day gave his first high-five! My favorite thing he does, right now, is resting his cheek on you or anything else. He will come up to the ottoman and just lay his cheek down for a second, then go about his business. He will do the same to me, a lot. It gives me warm fuzzies, and don’t mistake that for cues on nap time, he’s just giving out love.
Speaking of naps, he’s a decent napper and sleeping through the night. However, he has been getting in the habit of waking up at 4am, just to try to get the rest of the house up, then go back to sleep until 6:30am. It’s weird and I hope this ‘phase’ is short lived.
The little dude is 20.3 lbs., not so little! LL didn’t make that until she was TWO years old! Just for posterity here is her 11 month post.