Another month and I still feel like I’m drowning. It really is amazing the heightened level of effort it takes to raise that second child. Exponential just doesn’t feel sufficient, anymore. Despite everything we have made it this far! We all still like each other, in fact the love in our house keeps growing and growing; that can be properly described as, exponential.
The two kiddos wake up and look for one another. The babe seems to be a little less happy on the days that she is gone at school. No matter my attempt at a constant vigil on the kid’s room, during Cecito’s nap time, she always beats me to it if she even “thinks” she hears “babys awake!” Hugs and kisses galore, which he isn’t so keen on, kinda like the dog. It’s been fun to watch.
A few things on the baby now…he has officially stopped breastfeeding. He did that last month and I forgot to mention it….oops! At first I was a little disappointed, but that quickly disappeared. It was a slow tapering end and I’m happy we made it as far as we did. He’s feeding himself any kind of food he can get his hands on except broccoli and cottage cheese – he can’t stand them. Still standing all the time, but now he’s getting the walking along furniture into the mix. He can take a few steps, but once he realizes he’s on his own starts to panic (a bit), then crouches down to crawl at lightening speed.
He’s, also, got another ear infection. It started in one year and then moved to the other one. Plus, this last weekend cut tooth #6! Things have been busy and crazy.
When we were at the doctor, yesterday, he weighed in at 18 lbs. 15 1/2 oz. Today, I measured him at 29.75 inches, which is 1/4 inch shorter than last month…noooooooo!
Here is LL’s 10 month post, just in case you wanted to see it.