Holy cow, how did we get here?
Our Corazoncito is 18 months old! He’s been walking for 7 months, so that means he climbs on everything! He’s also a chatty little thing that is reminiscent of a parrot. His vocabulary is out of this world, for his age; and it’s becoming clearer where he can enunciate every letter. He’s a sweet boy, but sure does know how to hold his own with his big sister. Smart as a whip and learns things way faster than I can keep up with.
Little boys, what can I say…exhausting, amazing, but exhausting.
His little face is one of my favorite things these days and those cheeks! Momma still kisses them all the time and goes overboard when warm cheek happens. Giving kisses is something that happens on a whim with this kid. Domingo gets the majority of them, yet last week he decided to kiss Daddy’s 1962 Impala as we walked by. The rest of us have to ask and almost beg for kisses, but he usually gives in. Hugs are in the form of leaning over and putting his cheek on you, it’s quite adorable.
These days LL has hung the moon. Even though, he’s taken quite an interest in pulling her hair, head-butting her (and everyone else) and… well, take your pick of anything else a little brother can do to mess with a big sister. He’s got them all down pat! One thing they both love to do right now is stand in a circle, with me, count to three then jump! Little mister can actually get both feet off the ground at the same time! He also, counts out loud with us. I’m a proud Momma, can you tell?
After reading LL’s 18 month post I realized that there was a lot of focus on sleep. I don’t think that I have talked a lot about that with this little dude. Probably because he’s a great napper. They aren’t all that long every time, but he’s getting there. It’s taken us a while to consolidate and get on a good schedule where he will snooze for 2 hours, but we are pretty much there. It’s great! Even if he fusses and says “no nap! no nap! no nap!” I can leave him in the crib, close the door and less than 2 minutes he’s out or at least completely quiet settling himself into sleep. We have come a long, long, long way from the beginning where he was crying if he was awake and it took us 3 hours to get him to even consider closing his eyes.
Last week we had his well check and he passed with flying colors! Totally healthy (minus the 3 month cough and runny nose). He’s getting in one canine and you can tell the other three are working their way out. He was climbing and jumping all over the exam room, saying “no nap” when we tried to lay him down to measure his height and digging through my bag looking for snacks. Such personality.
Lastly, he’s a 35percenter:
32″ tall
23lbs 2oz
49 cm head (89% for that big brain)
Growing just like any other kid. Becoming the picky eater that his older sis is (lovely). And still sporting bruises all over from running his head into everything possible. The other day he ran flat into the end of the kitchen counter wall. I thought he was going to turn, like he normally does, but no. For some reason he just bounced right off it! Arnica was busted out and that was that…it’s our typical day, his normal way and I couldn’t love the little buggar more.