On April 5th our Little Love turned 7 years old. It’s been a whirlwind, but man is she a cool and fun little girl. She got to choose all ‘the things’ for her birthday party and I have to say, it turned out pretty cool: a neighborhood park, donuts, coffee (for the parents), chocolate milk, rainbow salsa with chipies, fruit salad…and then Momma added in lentil dip, watermelon, and goldfish…it was all a hit!
Up until the day of the party we were a little concerned about rain, but in the end we had a beautiful day and made wonderful memories with our friends that can’t be beat.Even though, all the attendees who were there last year were REALLY hoping for another “sprinkler fiasco” we traded it for a “piñata fiasco” and somehow everyone had a blast. I cannot wait to share all the photos with you since we had a Photo Booth addition this year!
Here are the photos, which tell the great story like no one else can.
My new markers and board! Can’t wait to make so many more signs with this thing!Friends!LL’s soccer coach and her girls.Family friends.She really loves her rainbow salsa. Usually I can’t get her to eat anything other than the dessert at parties!Just a mermaid playing at the park.To the tree! To the tree! (Dr. Seuss)The grub with so much coffee in the background.Mr. Ben time!Mr. Ben is so much fun!Dive bomb!It’s not a party without a little grumpy time.Somehow I got 7 candles on that little donut!Let’s see if we can light these things…With a little help from my brother.May all your dreams come true, Little Love.My favorite photo of the big SEVEN year old!Bringing it back old school with a blindfold and three turn arounds.One swing and we lost her…if you look closely you can see it’s in mid-air, falling.The shock of a piñata, down!Then comes the laughterNow we are all set, again!A turn for little brother! Then three more people got the bat.Then I was duped by one of the kids, saying they wanted to punch it, but really that meant tear down with my hands. SO many tears from SO many kids.Both Gil and I swore off piñatas.After the piñata we convene in the grass to discuss.Then we play Duck Duck Goose to lighten our spirits!The whole party!New family friends! We keep finding ones with kids the same age as ours –amazing.Bathroom break or hide-n-seek?Yes, Little Man – Let’s Shellebrate!The birthday girl with mermaid hair!Could they be anymore perfect?Family photo fun!Happy Hostess – it really did feel like a magical day.I mean, why not?
(More photo booth pictures to come in a separate post. They are too good not to post!)