Our Little Love is TWO YEARS OLD! I know parents say this all the time, but wow, where did the time go? It took me a while to realize the effect she would have, but she is seriously the light of my day. She is such a special gem, I never knew how having my own child would affect my every move and thought. It is truly a privilege to have her in our lives. Not that she doesn’t drive me mad some days, but that is the whole package, and I will take it. For there are many more good times to overcome the frustrating ones.
Our little pumpkin is NOT growing like a weed, but we sure do feel like she is. She talks all the time, has become a shy little bug in new surroundings, and is goofy as ever at home with us. We still sit at the kitchen table doing the head nod or shoulder shrug to music. While she looks back and forth at Momma and Daddy to make sure we are all doing it together. I’m pretty sure that Domingo is her favorite playmate around, but he doesn’t quite share that sentiment. Good thing he is such a great dog and so tolerant with her.
About a month ago she got her first haircut. She didn’t seem to mind it, but wasn’t thrilled either. Instead of wiggling about she just stood there, fixed in place like she was too startled to move. She is still a little monkey and loves to hang from whatever she can find, climb anything that is low enough for her to reach, and we have finally gotten to the point where she can do a real jump. Both feet off the ground, at the same time, instead of the little trot she mastered months ago.
We just went to her 2 year old well-pediatrician visit to learn she is barely over 20 lbs. The doc asked me if we have any shorter folks in the family because right now L.L. is on track to be about 5 feet tall! Good thing she has personality PLUS to make up for it.
Here are her stats:
Height: 2′ 7.5″ (8%)
Weight: 20 lbs. 6 oz. (1%)
She’s our little peanut and I have to say my back is thankful. Especially with this pregnancy! I’m sure that I have forgotten something that I wanted to tell you, but I think it’s about time I share some super cute photos. So, here they are!

Oh I love her. Especially that mean mug “you stay there” face.
LOL – I know, she does that face all the time! Of course, I think everything she does is cute, until it’s followed by a tantrum. 😉
She is so amazing…those are some great pictures! I love the one where she emptied her crib, and where she is grabbing Domingo’s head. Keep swinging LL! Happy belated b-day!!!
Thanks Jamie, I really love that crib one. It’s how we find her all the time. If she hasn’t thrown them all out she will give them to us one by one to put in a chair so they are available for her to sit with later on. She cracks me up!
She is adorable! Thanks for sharing. Love the pics!!!!
Thanks for reading, Melissa! 😀
How adorable! Happy second birthday to a little girl with a BIG spirit!
No kidding, she sure does fill a room. Thanks, Tammy!