Yep, it’s true…our Little Love is three years old. She has turned into this little being that is so complicated and lovely. It’s a joy and exercise in patience and organization to be her Momma.
She now speaks in full sentences to carry on real conversations. Plus, can remember things from day to day, but usually loses them about a month or so later. She’s still a petite little thing, but sure does feel bigger when you get in a room with her. Thankfully, she’s a slow to warm up kinda gal, but super chatty once you become familiar. She counts to 20 (minus 14 and 15) and can sing the ABC song, spell and recognize her name and just learned how to put up three fingers for her three years of life! Not to mention all the other songs we sing, almost every day: twinkle twinkle, 1-2-3-4-5 I caught a fish alive, once upon a dream, bah bah black sheep, ring around the rosie…
Her favorite things are to dance and sing and build “twain kwaks” aka train tracks (thanks Kristi!). She loves to follow up statements with “ok?” and will repeat herself until you answer. Shame on you if you ever think about touching her food until she’s done with it. She says, “no touch my food, ok?” about 10 times before leaving the table or room. She will say she’s going to do something that she knows she needs to ask for “I push the button, ok?” when she wants to push a button on the tb (or tv for the rest of you) remote, while holding it in front of her face with her finger hovering the button. Plus, she does everything, “all by myself, I did it! all by myself” even if she has asked for “hewlp.” Two of the cutest things she does is put her hand on her chest and say, “you do (insert action) for me? oh, thank you, thank you so much.” With such earnest and appreciation your heart bursts open.
She’s our Little Love, life became anew when she arrived. She teaches me strong lessons everyday. I’m trying to keep up, but it seems they just grow up too fast (already).