I know what you must be thinking, how have 18 whole months past us by, already!? We are in the same boat as you.
Our baby girl is no longer a baby.
She’s a full-fledged toddler with personality plus (words straight from her Aunt Claci, which cannot be more true). If you were worried about her being timid and losing her way in shyness, worry no more! Our child is independent, chatty, flirtatious-then-shy (even after waving to you down the grocery isle), adventurous, strong and just recently, affectionate. I might not get kisses every time I want them, but it’s most of the time. Plus, just the other day I saw her lean in to give a hug to another kid. My heart beamed!
Of course, we are in the midst of tantrums and boy is she really good at them. The first big one was a few months ago and it lasted about 15 minutes. Fun.
Yes, I know they are her to stay. More fun.
All that aside, she is awesome (have I said that yet). We have lots of fun together, I haven’t had a lot of work since we returned from Ohio, so she been home with me. It’s partly why I am so far behind on blog posts. There are days I don’t have time to get to them and others where I just need to relax for a while. We spend our time dancing around the house, going to the zoo, hitting up the local parks, and adventuring anywhere we can think of.
One of the amazing things that has happened this past summer is that L.L. goes down for a nap and bedtime easily. So easily that I cannot believe it. If I catch her at the right time, that is. There are days we don’t get home until 1pm and everything is thrown off. She really needs to be down for a nap by noon and then she sleeps beautifully for 2(+) glorious hours. If we are late she naps for 20-30 minutes in the car. I successfully put her in the crib and then she’s up 5 minutes later. Awesome. What I did learn is that she can stay in there for an hour and be ok. No crying or anything and I hope this is here to stay. I remember the days where it felt like a punishment to have bedtime duty. Now it’s fun.
So onto our little growing girl. She is just over 30 inches (13%) tall and not quite 19 pounds (7%). It’s weird to think that she’s not even 20 pounds and 18 months old. I no longer worry, at all, about her weight. She eats plenty and is just fine in all her milestones. In fact, I’m pretty sure I could have a long conversation with her, if I just understood ‘baby talk’. She has a lot to say. Which makes sense, her head is a whopping 46.5 cm that equates to 57%. You go little one – keep that big noggin’ of yours growing strong!
Here are some pictures taken recently. I tried to do a real photoshoot, but those truly are impossible anymore.

Look at how big she’s gotten! Oh my! What a cutie!!!
She is a sweet heart and look at her personalty coming out, such fun.