My baby is no longer a baby (but really she is, and probably always will be – lucky her!).
We have crossed the one year old finish line from baby vomit, exploding diapers, trying to force reflux and allergy medicine down her throat, where we have no idea why she is crying every hour of the night, hating tummy time, smiling when she toots, giggling when she sneezes…should I go on? Probably not. All you parents out there already know and all you singles have already heard it.
Now L.L. is an official toddler and I’m not sure if my heart is celebrating it or realizing that the time really does fly by so much faster each year. She’s walking everywhere we go, so the tummy time paid off (according to all the books). She now takes her medicine like it’s candy and is one of the best solid food eaters at daycare. She leans in for kisses and will put her head on your shoulder for a hug. She’s cautious, definitely lets you know if she is happy or unhappy, and an all around joy. I love watching her explore the world. Playing with her, for the 2 minutes she likes the game I come up with, is filled with lots of giggles and kisses. It’s the cutest thing when she sees Domingo come into the room (or any dog that passes when we are on a walk) and gets so excited! Even more amazing is how elated she is when Daddy walks in the front door, after a long day of work.
Not that there aren’t bad times, there are. They are just outnumbered astronomically.
She’s almost running and I’m sure that this summer we will spend many hours at the beach, park, or our friend’s pool. I can’t wait for it. Everything is much more magical when our Little Love is around.
Since we are rounding out a year, I thought that I would round out her stats. She is still trending 1% for weight and height, our petite sweetheart. Her pediatrician said, “She even has petite little hands and petite little feet.”
Weight: 15 lbs. 5.25 ounces
Length: 27 inches
Head: 44.5 cm
You might notice the large head. That’s right, baby girl is still growing that big brain of hers at 38%!
I wasn’t going to do a photoshoot for this one since I took so many pics at her birthday party, but we had the chance to go to the beach on Monday. I figured that it was a good time to snap a few for her official 1yo post! We started off the visit strong. Getting over our dislike of sand like a champ! We ran around for almost an hour and then the ocean was too much of an allure. Plus, there was a young boy with his dad in there, so why can’t little baby go, too?
Well, let’s just say that the small bit of a “wave” that came up, took her out. She fell over (maybe from the shock of water not being warm, like in a bath?) got all wet, completely freaked and it took me a good 30 minutes to calm her down. What a sight we were.
Here are the good times before that naughty ocean scarred L.L.

Great pics!!