I’m Five (and 5 1/2) Years old!

This is a first: LL’s annual birthday post comes at the same time as her half birthday post. I have to throw my hands up and say, “It’s ok, at least, she’s not 6!” Life has been flying past us since she started kindergarten and it doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. Eek!

Let’s get down to business. LL is just as sweet as ever, she loves it when I call her my sweetie and if I ever call her “buddy” or some form of that I get corrected. “No, Momma, I’m your SWEETIE!” She still wants to be a mom when she grows up to be a “real adult”, what I’m unsure of is if she’s still set on having 6 kids or not. (Yes, I said SIX!)

Since starting kindergarten making friends has become her new hobby. It’s always been pretty important to her, but what’s interesting about this stage is we get the lowdown from when they weren’t friends to how they are now (hand holding, and all). She seriously warms my heart. It makes me realize more and more that this parenting gig really does get better, even though it gets harder.

LL is curious, loving, maternal, helpful, stubborn, creative, social and sporty.

I’m pretty sure where she excels is athletics. The other day she decided that she wanted to learn to jump rope. At first I didn’t think anything of it. Then I realized she had been next to me for over 30 minutes trying to succeed in her goal. Over and over she kept jumping and throwing the rope over her head with just a small amount of encouragement. It’s been a while since I stopped to notice this is the kind of thing she. The last time was at the beach to hone her frisbee skills. Her perseverance and understanding of how her body can perform is admirable.

She’s the all around girl and I couldn’t be more proud for her to call me Momma.

If I had written this back in April I would have told you that there is no question her best friend is her brother; however, now it’s 6 months later. They love each other and there is no doubt that they miss each other when they are apart (I do still hear about that, just not as often). Right now they have more of a push and pull relationship, a typical sibling camaraderie. She is growing up in front of our eyes and there is no doubt of her individuality.

No matter what, though, she is still my cuddle bug (which is my favorite). And she tells me she misses me, constantly. AND there have been a several times that I have gladly taken the “you’re the best Momma” compliment. There is no question she is still making my heart grow with every day I get to spend with her.

Ok, now onto the fun stuff, photos! There is a park set from when I planned to take photos for this post. Now that it’s so late I’m going to add in some more recent, just for (high) kicks!

I’m finally 5!
Wait, where did my brother go?
Watch me! I can do it, myself.
little feet
My sweet girl.
They really do love each other!
Watch Momma! Are you taking a slow motion video?
Pre-K Graduation
Princess face painting, pools and cupcakes!
Momma, can I try on your glasses? Just for one minute. Then, I’ll give them back. I’ll be careful. PLEASE!
New sunglasses = New attitude
Sweet thing got to use her favorite belonging! SoCal rain (for 3 minutes).
Me and my girl.

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