Eight months old – I know you have to be just as surprised as I am! (wink-wink)
I’m trying to remember all the things that we have done in the last month. One biggie is sprouting tiny teeth! It took us a while, and they are super cute (as are, all things tiny). We have also mastered the art of grunting, shouting (in little and long spurts), jabbering, super-fast crawling, AND standing! Yes, our little L.L. is standing, but only for a few seconds. She started experimenting with taking one had off her stability for a split second. Now she will stand there for a second or two. Sometimes falling on her bum, sometimes grabbing onto something to keep her balance, and sometimes simply putting her hands back where they started.
We are still fighting ear infections and our next step is to go to an Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) Specialist to get her ears drained. It’s that or she gets shots of antibiotics, which we are going to pass on. We tried the chiropractor and are willing to go back, but will wait to see how things go on her 9 month appointment. I made a joke with our pediatrician about us having a standing weekly appointment, saying I promise I’m not usually this paranoid. He said, I’m not nearly as bad as some. And since she’s always got something going on with her I feel justified (and worn out!). We even had a little respiratory infection, thankfully, that was cleared up pretty quick!
I’m not sure what her stats are, but I can tell you that she weighed 14 lbs even on our appointment with the doctor on December 5th (which was the 8 month mark).
Now, onto what you are all looking forward to…

LL is so cute, we miss you. Xoxo granny
We miss you, too. xo