As you all know, our Little Love turned three at the beginning of the month. It was the first birthday where she knew what was going on and was so excited that I had to draw up a calendar to count down the days until her party. Everything about this party was fun! We had donuts for everyone, coffee for the adults and a bounce house for the kiddos. Well, let’s be honest, that’s for some of the parents, too!
So, I decided to get our donuts from Krispy Kreme, which set up our color scheme. In the pictures you can see the simple decorations. Got enough donuts for an army, quiche for anyone who didn’t have a sweet tooth, fruit for parents that would rather have something more fresh and healthy, and lastly, coffee! There  were some hiccups with the coffee and quiche, but we managed and I’m not really sure anyone noticed or cared.
Of course, I can’t stop there. We started off with the bounce house, then added a hand bubble gun, plenty of hola hoops, set up next to two play structures and little waterway. Plenty for everyone to do with space to spare for any running around! I was a little nervous about having 35 adults and 23 kids R.S.V.P. as a yes and wanted to make sure everyone had a great time.
Lastly, I stamped some bakery bags with a “Thank you oh so much” stamp for donut holes. Just in case everyone didn’t get enough sugar, we wanted to thank them for coming with a little sweet goodness. The inspiration for the stamp came from L.L. herself. She says, “Thank you. Thank you, so much!” All the time and with such earnest you can’t help but laugh and have your heart melt at the same time.
As far as I was told everyone had a wonderful time and loved the party idea. L.L. had a blast! I know this because she will still talk about her birthday party with donuts and a bouncy house today. We did good and she totally deserved it; she’s such a lovely and lively little person, who captures hearts everywhere she goes.
Plus, as a surprise to Momma, Cecito was a dream! He played with everyone and wasn’t hesitant to be held by the 20 adults that were passing him around. In fact, there were a few of the L.L.’s school friends who didn’t realize he was ours. I was all set with two carriers and a pack-n-play and didn’t need any of them.
If any of you were guests who attended, let me extend a heartfelt thank you. We all had such a fun time. There’s never enough time to visit with everyone properly, but we appreciate every last one of you who took time out of your busy life to celebrate our first born. L.L. was slow to warm up to the entire crowd, but absolutely loved everyone singing happy birthday to her. She had been singing it for weeks with her play cupcakes. Her joy was genuine and so was ours.
Now, onto the fun stuff…pictures! (this isn’t even close to all that I wanted to post, lucky you)

trying like heck to stay caught up!!!! #failing!
I totally understand, girl! 😉