Every summer we continuously say that we need to make it to the beach more often. You see, we live 10-15 minutes away and go the whole summer with only 2 visits – it’s ridiculous (right?).
So, when the hubs asked me last Sunday, what we were doing this weekend, I said “Nada, why?” He reminded me of our lack of beach time, and I instantly sat down at the computer to pick a day to go. Then, emailed a whole bunch of our friends and put it on the calendar. NEXT SUNDAY WAS A BEACH DAY!
Since we have a dog and there are a ton of dog beaches here, we wanted to include our little guy, so we and decided on Dog Beach in Ocean Beach. It was the best idea we have had in a LONG time! Such a fun and relaxing day. Even with the dogs begging for our breakfast burritos and L.L. having a hard time settling down for a nap.
I ended up getting a little too much sun on my shoulders, lets just call that sun kissed. While L.L. party’d it up enough to crash out on the way home. Domingo wore himself out and passed out upon walking in the door. And Daddy, well, he was able to just enjoy the day. We all ended up having a wonderful time and can’t wait for the next Doggie + Baby Beach Day!
Who’s coming with us?

OMGosh! Love her suit, love your hair, and love you!! Got your birth announcement in the mail the other day. Love! I wish I had your talent! Miss you!!
Thank you Nic! Isn’t she the the most chic baby? 😉 I like to think she takes after her Momma – ha! Miss you mucho, so glad you like the announcement. And girl, you have uber amounts of *sparkle* to match my art stuff.
Gwen the pic of you and LL is beautiful, she looks like a doll. Everyone looks like
they are having a great time. Wish I was there. xo
Thank you! You will be here soon – we can’t wait!! Even Domingo is excited. xx
Ummm. You look amazing! Wish we were there!
Thank you!! Did you see the next post with good pics of the new do? Next time you all will be there. It was so much fun we will do another one as soon as we can get it together.