What to say about my Valentine’s Day…
Well, first off I was sick. I had bee warding off something for about a week, I truly thought I had it under control. You see, my husband does this mind over matter thing and it actually works for him, he rarely ever gets sick. I can be on my death bed for 2 weeks and he just floats by with kisses on the cheek (as not to pass germs) and gets a little allergy spell for a day.
No matter how hard I try body seems to win over mind. So in the second week I caved into a full blown sinus infection or bronchitis or whatever allergy and asthma related thing it turned into. Even without much energy I really wanted to celebrate this Day of Love! I decided that the best thing I could do was bake, so I turned to Pinterest and found a new recipe to test out: Red Velvet Cheesecake Brownies. They were quick, easy and yummy. I added some mini chocolate chips on the top, ’cause everything is better with chocolate. Along with picking up all the fixin’s for homemade pizza. A little request from the hubs, which I thought was perfect!

It wasn’t much, but it worked for us. Since I wasn’t feeling well we didn’t have any wine or anything else, but I did get some pretty flowers. I appreciate the thought and enjoy having them in the house to see everyday. Normally, I like to make a bigger deal of this day, but I just didn’t have it in me this time. We were in bed at 9pm and I was very happy to get some much needed rest after running around during the day.
I know to some this is quite boring. Which is fine. It doesn’t even render an entire blog post, but it’s how we spent our “Day of Love.” I kept seeing so many negative comments on Facebook about it and hearing the occasional grunting while I was running around. I, too, remember being single and feeling like this was a torturous day. I even had some years of Anti-Valentine’s Day celebrations with my girlfriends, so I get it. But I never said all the bad things that I keep hearing from folks now. I truly wanted to celebrate this day, I just hadn’t found someone to celebrate it with yet. Plus, even when I didn’t appreciate this day I didn’t care where it came from, it was here. Now that I have a great person to share it with I care even less. That part doesn’t even register for me because really it’s what I make of it. It’s always been what I made of it, single or not.
Leading up to the day, I thought about what I could do for him that would be sentimental; a romantic gesture that showed how much I care. Yes, I understand it should be like this all the time, and I do try, but this day is specifically called out, so why not do something special? Even if special is just homemade pizza and brownies. I spent a lot of time thinking about him and what he means to me. In my book, that’s enough to say it’s a ‘holiday’ I enjoy and respect.