We live in a pretty small place. It feels cramped and we are totally on top of one another, but we are making it work. Since both of our babies came home from the hospital, here, I’m pretty sure it will be a cherished and favorite residence of ours, forever.
Within our 820ish square feet of love we have two bedrooms. So, the kids share a room. It was one of our biggest hurdles in the sleeping game. There are still plenty of tip-toeing around times, but it doesn’t feel that tedious any longer. There are plenty of people who live in smaller quarters. Plus, it has helped the pack rat in me learn a few things. Not enough things, as my husband would say. None the less I have a need to purge and that wouldn’t have happened if we moved into a larger space before this time in our lives.
Making space for a second kid wasn’t that difficult, they don’t really need that much stuff. However, making it pretty took me a long time. Just about a month ago I finally made tassles for the newly hung lanterns and put pictures on the wall. It feel very good to give my little guy a sweet space of his own. Plus, he seems to like it. On the occasional morning he will lay in bed and play, then take some time to look at the pictures; it’s a proud Momma moment. The look on this face, when he finally notices me standing there, is such a happy surprise that you can’t help but want to eat him up. And if you know anything about ‘warm cheek,’ well, that’s just about the grandest part of having a baby.
Last time you saw this room it was a combo Nursery and Office: New Baby Office. I was moved to the living room a LONG time ago. If memory serves me I didn’t post about that and just gave up the whole room to LL so she would actually nap during the day. Now she has to share and we are in need of presenting the other half. Here it is! I’m pretty happy with it, especially considering the small amount of time we have to dedicate to dreaming, prepping and doing.
Let me know what you think in the comments!

From the left: me very pregnant getting besos from LL, Momma and baby holding hands, Daddy and baby on Halloween night, Momma and baby enjoying a middle of the night nursing calling, Cecito sitting at an Urbn Booth, happy parents after the family/maternity photo shoot before Cecito was born, Nana with Cecito, Daddy with Cecito and Papa, brother and sister swaddle twins.

So cute! You did a great job. I’ve been meaning to get more pictures up of Leo, and this is inspiring.
Thanks Rachel! It’s really hard, isn’t it? That’s why I got you that pic block for Leo. Our little dudes get the shaft, so much. The one thing that makes me feel better is they will always be our babies. 😉