It’s My BIRTHDAY! A small sampling of the kiddos!On June 27th, we had a really fun celebration for our Cecito. We had a smaller amount of people attend, compared to LL’s first birthday party, which is typical for a summer birthday. Over the last three years, I have learned what kind of food to prepare to make my life easier before the party. Much less stress preparing. Plus, the hubs, always helps out with anything that needs to get done the night before or day of.
We served pulled pork sandwiches with coleslaw, mac-n-cheese, avocado pasta, veggies and dip. For dessert, we offered chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting (and a cookie middle surprise), plus brownie cookie bars. It was more than enough to feed everyone, we ate it all for the next 5 days, as leftovers! Plus, I made a zucchini bread smash cake for Cecito, just like I did for LL’s first birthday cake. Only I used store bought icing and blueberries on the top.
Pulled Pork Sandwiches with mac-n-cheese I’d say the birthday boy was happy with the food. Thanks for feeding our little guy, Kim! Avocado Pasta with the train whizzing by! Dessert Table! Brownie Cookie BarsWhen we sang Happy Birthday, Cecito seemed to enjoy it. What I forgot was the candle so he didn’t get to try that, but I just might give him a chance here in the next week. I feel a teeny bit guilty that I forgot, but I wasn’t going to start it over again when I remembered AFTER we all sang to him. Shoo. What’s funny is that he immediately ate the blueberries, even picked them off and ignored everything else. What’s going to follow him is that when he got about half way through with them he started to have icing along with them, well he HATED that. So much that he actually started scraping it off his tongue when it wouldn’t fall off after sticking his tongue out of his mouth. It was such a sight to see and everyone got a kick out of it!
All of us gathered for the big event! Wait a minute, what’s going on here? Ummm…I want THAT! Mmmmm blueberries, I LOVE BLUEBERRIES! Wait, what is this? Get this out of my mouth! Off of my tongue! I don’t like this icing stuff. Make it go away, make it go AWAY! Don’t worry, brother, I’ll help you eat it!I was pretty happy with everything. Even the re-used decor from LL’s 3rd birthday party. It went along perfectly for a train themed party, which I only did half way. There was one train running around the food table. Along with it came a lot of destruction from all the kids; but they all loved, it and that’s what matters. We, also, re-used our photo idea from LL’s party. Where we printed pics of everyone meeting Cecito, including fun pics we took throughout the year. It’s always a great idea to just get pictures printed. However, no matter what, they are fun for everyone to look at; especially if they are of you!
The big surprise was the ball pit out back! The area isn’t very large, only large enough for a small pit, but these are small children. They all had a good time and I loved it. So thankful that LL’s teacher at preschool suggested we borrow it. She was so right about it being a hit!
LL making the most of the surprise before the party starts!
All in all everyone had a good time, even the birthday boy! He enjoyed his first party more than LL did, so I’ll take that as a success (for all of us). LL talked about all her friends coming over for beb’s birthday party (that’s her new nic-name for him, short for baby) for days. Daddy and Momma had a great time, where we even felt relaxed. Such a great time, we can’t thank our friends enough for making it such a special day for us and our little guy.